

Managing Anxious Dog Behaviors

Our Services

# 01

Basic Obedience Training

It includes teaching essential commands such as sit, stay, come, and leash walking. This foundational training helps dogs become well-behaved and responsive to their owners’ commands.

# 02

Behavioral Modification Programs

These programs address specific behavioral issues such as aggression, fearfulness, separation anxiety, or excessive barking. Trainers work closely with both the dog and the owner to modify unwanted behaviors and promote positive alternatives.

# 03

Puppy Training Classes

These classes often cover socialization, basic commands, and housebreaking. Puppy training is crucial for laying a solid foundation for a dog’s future behavior and helps prevent the development of undesirable habits.

# 04

Advanced Training and Specialized Skills

This can include agility training, scent detection, service dog training, or tricks. Advanced training helps stimulate a dog’s mind, provides additional physical activity, and strengthens the bond between the dog and its owner.

Our Client's Speaks for us

My dog now confidently performs tricks and follows commands, showcasing the effectiveness of this top-notch dog training service. I highly recommend this service to anyone!
Shane Platt
Vocational nurse, Bluth Finance
I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible dog training service I received! I highly recommend this service to anyone seeking effective and compassionate dog training.
David Kohn
IT officer, Decor LLC
Adopting a rescue dog came with its challenges, but the dog training service played a pivotal role in helping us build trust and understanding with our new furry family member.
Brian J. Kunkle
Loan officer, Kenlid Enterprise
The dog training program exceeded all my expectations. From basic commands to advanced skills, our trainer tailored the sessions to our dog's unique needs. Truly exceptional service!
Evelyn Dickerson
General Manager, KSP
We had struggled with our dog. Our walks are now a pleasure, and our dog's improved behavior is a testament to the skillful training provided by this exceptional service. Highly recommended!
Paul McCormick
Principal officer, Sinjen Corp

Your pets deserve the best

Dogology serves as a heartfelt reminder to prioritize the well-being of pets and to go above and beyond in providing them with the love, care, and quality they truly deserve.

Our Philosophy

Of course, you can! We support making a strong bond with your loved ones even if you are staying away from them. Any type of food from your home is allowed.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Our Organization

Of course, you can! We support making a strong bond with your loved ones even if you are staying away from them. Any type of food from your home is allowed.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Partnerships with our team

Of course, you can! We support making a strong bond with your loved ones even if you are staying away from them. Any type of food from your home is allowed.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.




Adopted Pets





Our Features

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Training refers to the process of teaching and conditioning an individual, typically an animal, to acquire specific skills, behaviors, or knowledge.


Housing in the context of animals, particularly pets like dogs, refers to the provision of a suitable and safe living environment. This includes shelter, bedding, and any necessary infrastructure to ensure the well-being of the animal.


Adoption involves the legal and ethical process of taking on the responsibility of caring for and providing a permanent home to an animal, often from a shelter or rescue organization.

Quality Care

Quality care for dogs involves providing comprehensive and compassionate attention to ensure their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Get in Touch


Address : 15 Division Street, New York, NY
12032, United States of America

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